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Surgical Ward

Phone: +61 (03) 5722 5289 or +61 (03) 5722 5290
Green Street, Wangaratta, VIC 3677

Two female nurses stood next to the bed of a smiling female patient

After your surgery, you may be transferred from the theatre complex to our surgical ward, which consists of 25 beds with a mix of single, two-bed and four-bed rooms. Single rooms are allocated to people based on clinical needs.

If you are a private patient you may be offered a single room if one is available and not required by someone with special needs.

Contacting the surgical ward

Your relatives, friends or carer can contact the ward at any time to speak with a staff member. However, we encourage you to designate one or two close family members to liaise with staff as this minimises confusion and staff know who to contact if necessary.

We have one portable phone available for incoming calls to patients. If you are expecting personal calls we advise you to bring your own mobile phone and charger.

Waiting for loved ones to return from theatre

Please contact the surgical ward for their arrival time before you leave home or there are a number of areas where you can wait:

  • Day room in the surgical ward – a light, spacious room equipped with a television and reading material
  • Waiting room near the theatre
  • Spiritual sanctuary gardens and family room
  • Cafe – located on the ground floor with great coffee and food available all day.

Going home

Discharge times can vary, and it may take a while to complete preparations for you to go home. Our staff can assist with booking appointments, organising mediation and any last minute requirements.

Transport home is the responsibility of the patient or family/carer. Please make sure that your transport arrangements have been made prior to your discharge and discuss any issues with the staff caring for you.

You may be asked to wait in our Transit Lounge, which offers a safe and comfortable place for you to stay while your discharge arrangements are finalised.

Before you leave, please make sure you take ALL your belongings, including any medication you brought with you. Personal items are often left behind so please double check the bathroom, drawers and cupboards including wall sockets for phone chargers.

Frequently Asked Questions

When can I visit? (COVID-19 visiting restrictions apply)

While visitors are welcome any time, patients may be off the ward for tests or participating in assessments/therapy sessions so afternoons generally work best. You can check first to see if any tests or procedures have been arranged to avoid disappointment.

Can I bring food to the ward?

Depending on the reason for admission, food and/or fluids may be restricted in amount or type. Please speak with the nursing staff before you bring any food into the ward.

Are there private televisions available?

Each bed has its own remote-controlled television. These TVs are provided by an external service called HTRcharges apply. There is also a large communal TV located in the lounge room.

What if I have a question?

If you have any questions or concerns the nurse in charge is available at any time or we can arrange for you to speak with a doctor from the treating team. To protect patient privacy we will require the patient’s permission to provide you with any information.

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