Support NHW

Donate Now buttonPhone: (03) 5722 5310

There are many ways you can support Northeast Health and your contribution can help make a big difference.

Your support comes in many forms; through donations, fundraising and volunteering. The generosity of many individuals, businesses and community groups ensures that Northeast Health Wangaratta can provide quality health care to our community for years to come.

In Memoriam

You may choose to remember your loved one with a contribution to Northeast Health Wangaratta. A memorial gift or making a donation instead of sending flowers is a permanent reminder of a much-loved family member or friend.

Families can also choose to set up a ‘crowdraiser’ to personalise the giving and reach more of the people who may want to remember through a contribution.

The bereaved family are notified of your gift according to your wishes, and you will receive a receipt for your contribution.

If you would prefer to have Donation envelopes, these are available by contacting the Giving Team on (03) 5722 5310 or email

Leave a gift in your Will

Leave a legacy that will make a difference.

We understand that making a Will is a very personal matter and one that requires careful thought and consideration. Once you have adequately cared for your family and loved ones you may wish to consider leaving a gift in your Will to Northeast Health Wangaratta. In doing so, you are leaving a lasting legacy that ensures future generations receive the very best in health care.

To make a contribution to Northeast Health Wangaratta, please read through A Gift in your Will.pdf brochure. If you do decide to leave a gift in your Will the right wording is important to ensure your wishes are met. We have provided a Will and Bequest guide.pdf for more information, but when revising or making a Will, we recommend seeking independent professional advice to guide you through the process or visit Victoria Legal Aid, a government site that can provide you with information about making a Will.

If you have any questions or would like to arrange a confidential meeting to discuss your options, please contact the Giving Team on  (03) 5722 5310.

Our Giving Team runs appeals each year to raise funds for vital equipment or upgrades that are not covered by other funding. Our latest Vital Signs Appeal raised $168,000 to replace 44 vital signs monitors across our health service. While the Vital Signs Appeal is complete, we still need support to update other essential equipment across our health service and appreciate all donations, however large or small.

We are so grateful for the wonderful contributions made by our community and the continued support from local businesses, organisations, community groups, clubs and individuals in their efforts to raise money and support Northeast Health Wangaratta.

Friends of the Hospital

The commitment of the Friends of the Hospital Auxiliary (FOTH) is truly inspiring, and their work greatly benefits the hospital. We’re incredibly grateful for their generosity and their ongoing support of our local health service and community.

Three ladies from Friends of the Hospital Christmas Cake stall holding some cakes ready to sell.
FOTH Christmas Cake stall 2022 at the Wangaratta Kiosk

What do the Friends of the Hospital do? Over many years, the Friends of the Hospital have contributed to the wellbeing of patients, residents and staff of Northeast Health by:

  • Raising money for vital medical equipment
  • Supporting fundraising activities

The Friends of the Hospital manages a range of fundraising activities such as:

  • Cake stalls, including the Christmas plum pudding and hampers
  • Easter hot cross bun drive
  • Event catering
  • Raffles

Community Fundraising

Community Groups support NHW through their own events and activities, which we are very grateful for. Through this generosity, we are able to continue to improve services and equipment.

If you wish to know how your group or organisation can support NHW contact the Giving Team on (03) 5722 5310 or email

Group of people holding a large cheque for Paediatrics donation.
A donation to our Paediatric Unit from O'Brien Real Estate Easter fundraiser.

Community Donation Tins

An easy way for businesses and community groups to be involved in supporting Northeast Health is our Community Donation Tins.

They are managed by the Friends of the Hospital and all money raised goes towards the many FOTH initiatives to support the purchase of vital medical equipment.

If you would like more information or a tin delivered to you, please contact the Giving Team on (03) 5722 5310 or email

Phone: (03) 5722 5297

Meals on Wheels volunteers ready to go on their meal run.
NHW Meals on Wheels Volunteers

Our team of volunteers provide invaluable support and assistance to families, patients, residents and staff at Northeast Health Wangaratta. There are a range of volunteering opportunities across our health service, such as in our creative services workroom, concierge, palliative care, Meals on Wheels and at Illoura Residential Aged Care.

People of all ages and from diverse walks of life become volunteers and give their time freely to support our organisation and their local community. 

Volunteering can provide a sense of purpose and meaning, keep you connected and engaged with your local community and provide the opportunity to learn new skills.

Find out more about volunteering at NHW

At Northeast Health Wangaratta, we care about our volunteers and the enormous contribution they make to our organisation. Our volunteers are viewed as being integral members of our workforce and NHW is focused to ensure the same level of governance is applied to their management as any other employee. A Framework for Health Volunteer Management was launched in June 2021.

Community Advisory Committee (CAC), providing a voice for the NHW community, consumers and carers.

cartoon graphic of a diverse group of peopleThe CAC is a group that gives advice to the leaders of Northeast Health Wangaratta. The CAC has 8 positions for community members who are patients, people who use our services, family members, and community representatives. They help us work better with these important groups when we plan, provide services, and make their healthcare better.

The CAC is led by a member of the NHW Board. They are a strong and caring voice for making sure we partner well with the people we’re here to help. The CAC’s responsibilities and rules are explained in the Committee Terms of Reference and Member Code of Conduct. There’s also a detailed description of what being a CAC member involves.

If you want to be part of the CAC, you’ll need to go through a formal interview process. If you’re chosen, you’ll be added to the NHW consumer participation register.

NHW Community Advisory Committee Member – Position Description 2025.pdf

NHW Code of Conduct.pdf

Community Advisory Committee – Meeting Terms of Reference.pdf

Please review our Volunteer Program information before applying.

To commence the application process please complete the Volunteer Online Application.

For enquiries contact
Community Advisory Committee Secretariat
Phone: (03) 5722 5454
