Antenatal (pregnancy) clinic
Phone:+61 (03) 5722 5225
Monday and Tuesday by appointment only
Maternity Ward
Phone:+61 (03) 5722 5225 or +61 (03) 5722 5301
Green Street, Wangaratta VIC 3677
Childbirth Education
Phone: +61 (03) 5722 5225
The University Teaching & Learning Centre, Wangaratta.
Classes run on Sundays from 10.00am to 4.00pm
Classes are free with morning tea and lunch provided.
Mother & Baby Centre
Temporary relocation to 46 Docker Street, Wangaratta VIC 3677
click to view map
Midwifery Group Practice (MGP)
Phone:+61 (03) 5722 5256
MGP offers 24/7 care during your pregnancy
Lactation (breastfeeding) clinic
Phone: +61 (03) 5722 5487
Monday to Friday – 9.00am to 4.30pm
Victorian Infant Hearing Screening Program
A free routine hearing screen for your newborn is often done while you are in hospital. If your baby is not tested while in hospital the Victorian Infant Hearing Screening Program will contact you to make an appointment.
Bricks for Babies
Celebrate the birth of your family’s new baby with an individually engraved paver brick displayed in our specially designed pathway at the front of the hospital.
Download the Bricks 4 Babies order form.pdf
All money raised will go to Northeast Health’s Maternity Unit and Birth Suite.