Dental Service
NHW Public Dental Service
Phone: +61 (03) 5722 5116 or +61 (03) 5722 5325
Community Care Centre, Clark Street, Wangaratta, VIC 3677
Monday to Friday – 9.00am to 4.30pm
Benalla Dental Service
Phone: +61 (03) 5761 2201
45 Coster Street, Benalla (next to Benalla Hospital)
Download dental information: NHW Dental Service.pdf
Who is eligible for public dental?
- Children and young people aged 0-18 years, including all children who are eligible for the Child Dental Benefits Schedule – these services are free of charge
- Adults who hold a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card and dependents listed on these cards
- Newly arrived refugees and asylum seekers
The Victorian Government Smile Squad Dental team is visiting all public primary and secondary schools to offer dental care on-site each year.
Anyone who requires emergency treatment will be assessed and offered appropriate care without having to be placed on a waiting list.
Fees for public dental
All children 0 – 18 are eligible for services. There is a one-off charge for children who are not on a Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card and who do not claim the Child Dental Benefits Schedule.
Treatment provided by supervised final year dental students is free for any age-group.
Fees for public dental services usually apply to eligible adults for emergency, general and denture care. Please enquire when you contact the service.
Exemption from fees for public dental services may apply to some patients. If payment is difficult, please speak with our administration staff.
Emergency Dental Care
Emergency care is available if you have dental pain (teeth, mouth, gum or jaw), facial swelling, and bleeding (trauma affecting mouth) or had an accident involving your mouth or teeth.
All emergencies are assessed and appointments will be allocated depending on the urgency of the dental problem.
What you need to tell us…
- Is the problem with your teeth, gums, wisdom teeth or false teeth?
- Are you taking immunosuppressants? If yes, provide details
- Are you over 80 years of age?
- Do you have pain?
- What causes the pain?
- Has it interfered with sleep?
Specialist Care
You may be referred to the Royal Melbourne Dental Hospital if you require specialist care such as:
- Endodontic treatment – root canal treatment for those where routine treatment is not possible
- Prosthodontics – includes dentures, crowns and bridges for those people who have more complex dental problems
- Orthodontics – tooth straightening for people with more serious dental problems
- Periodontics – treatment of severe gum disease
- Paediatrics – treatment for children with complex dental, medical and other problems
- Oral Medicine – treatment for a variety of diseases of the lips, cheeks, tongues and jaw joints
- Oral Surgery – complex surgical procedures involving the teeth, mouth and jaws
Smiles 4 Miles
An initiative of Dental Health Services Victoria (DHSV) works in partnership with Northeast Health to improve the oral health of children, their families, and the wider community.
The Smiles 4 Miles program promotes three key messages:
Drink well
- Tap water is the preferred drink
- Limit sugary drinks (especially between meals)
- Choose plain milk over flavoured
Eat well
- Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods every day from the five food groups
- Limit foods containing added sugars
- Healthy meals and snacks are important for healthy teeth
Clean well
- Brush teeth and along the gum line twice a day
- Children should use a low-fluoride children’s toothpaste from 18 months until they turn six
- Don’t wait for a problem. A child should see a health professional (Maternal and Child Health Nurse, Dentist, Oral Health Therapist, Dental Therapist or General Practitioner) by the age of two for an oral health check
- An oral health professional will discuss a child’s risk level and how frequently they need to visit for an oral health check
- Contact the clinic for an appointment with our Oral Health Educator for advice and assistance
Dental care during pregnancy
Keeping your teeth and gums healthy during pregnancy is even more important than at other times. Severe gum disease has been linked to babies being born early or smaller than expected.
Pregnant women are recognised as a priority group for dental treatment.
If you are pregnant and;
- attending our antenatal clinic you can have a free dental health screen.
- attending outpatient clinics you can have a free dental health screen.
- hold a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card you can continue to use our dental service at a greatly reduced cost.
- do not hold a valid Health Care Card or Pensioner Concession Card we can refer you to a private dental practitioner.
We recommended that your child has their first dental check-up between the age of 1 – 2 years.
Key messages for all pregnant women
Eat well
- Your growing baby’s calcium demands are high, so you should increase your calcium consumption to compensate.
- Eat calcium-enriched foods such as dairy or soy alternatives.
- Eat a nutritious diet every day including fruits, vegetables, grains, beans and lean meats.
- Try not to eat too many sweet foods.
Clean well
- Brush your teeth twice a day for 2 to 3 minutes.
- Aim the bristles of the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle, towards the gum line.
- Floss your teeth at least once a day.
Drink well
- Drink lots of tap water, especially fluoridated.
- Drink non-sweetened dairy milk or calcium-fortified alternatives. Calcium is essential for your baby’s bones and teeth.
- Try not to drink too many sugary drinks
- Contact the clinic for an appointment with our Oral Health Educator for advice and assistance.
Toothbrushing with young children
View this series of videos about toothbrushing with young children produced by Dental Health Services Victoria provides practical tips, advice from parents, and helpful guides for managing the transition from toothbrushing with your baby (0-18 months) to toothbrushing with toddlers or pre-schoolers (18 months – 6 years).
Toothbrushing with your baby (0 – 18 months old)
Toothbrushing with your toddler or pre-schooler (18 months – 6 years)
How to brush with your baby (0 – 18 months old)
How to brush with your toddler or pre-schooler (18 months – 6 years old)