Human Research Ethics Committee – position available
The Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) operates under the provisions of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) to review research projects involving humans undertaken at NHW.
We are seeking a new committee member with a strong interest in human research and ethical review to join our Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC). The successful candidate would fulfil the category below and commit to bi-monthly virtual committee meetings.
The successful candidate will enjoy the benefits of being a part of NHW’s research program, growing an understanding of research and ethics and building networks around Wangaratta and surrounds.
Applying for the role:
- Enquiries can be made with Jacqui Verdon on (03) 5722 5149 or
- Position Descriptions are available by clicking on the position above.
- Applications addressing the selection criteria, should be emailed to
Clinical Research
We undertake research generated by our own local research questions with local researchers in addition to collaborative work with a variety of partner organisations in broader multi-site state-wide, national and international studies.
Our key research partner is The University of Melbourne, Department of Rural Health through the Rural Health Academic Network (RHAN) program. The RHAN program specifically aims to build research capability and capacity in partner regional and rural health services.
University Department of Rural Health – Research.pdf
Rural Health Academic Network (RHAN).pdf
NHW CTRSS Site Profile-V3.0 Sep2024.pdf
Clinical trials provide early access to new treatments and interventions for patients and improve the overall standard of medical care provided in Australian hospitals.
To support the delivery of safe and high-quality clinical trial services for patients and consumers, the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care has developed the National Clinical Trials Governance Framework for all Australian hospitals, day procedures with a clinical trial service.
National Clinical Trials Governance Framework – Information for patients and consumers
Research Team
The research team at Northeast Health consists of;
Operational Director of Education and Research
Ms Jacqui Verdon
Phone: (03) 5722 5149
Research Development and Governance Officer
Rural Health Academic Network (RHAN) Coordinator
The Research Development and Governance Officer can be contacted to discuss any aspect of research project development, research methodology training, statistical support, student projects or ethics at NHW. The RHAN Coordinator promotes capacity building, knowledge transfer and collaboration across the regional and rural health sector through the NHW partnership with the University of Melbourne.
Phone: (03) 5722 5149
Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) Secretariat
The Education and Research Unit provides secretariat support to the NHW Human Research Ethics Committee and the NHW Research Committee.
Phone: (03) 5722 5149
Clinical Trials Research Support Officer
Ms Nicole Humphreys
The role of the Clinical Trial Research Support Officer is to provide a specialist service to assist with the central coordination of clinical trials within Northeast Health Wangaratta. The role aims to provide “one point of contact” for trial sponsors and assist investigators to administer and coordinate trials with a goal to promote and facilitate more participation in commercially sponsored clinical trials at Northeast Health Wangaratta.
Phone: (03) 5722 5149
Ms Julie Day
Julie is a highly skilled medical librarian who can assist with literature searches and provide training in accessing online resources. The Library provides information to support the clinical, research and continuing education needs of staff and students of NHW and affiliated health professionals throughout the region.
Phone: (03) 5722 5286
Prospective Researchers
Prior to submitting any research project application at Northeast Health Wangaratta, the project must be discussed with our Research Development and Governance Officer. This will aid the researcher to determine the feasibility aspects of the study and what level of ethical review is required.
Applications can be made online via Ethical Review Manager (ERM) and be accompanied by a completed Research Governance Review Form
Northeast Health Wangaratta is a signatory to the National Mutual Acceptance Scheme.
We have a fully constituted Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) which adheres to the recommendations of the national guidelines on ethical research:
National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2023
The Chairperson of our HREC is Jacqui Verdon and the committee meets bi-monthly. The Education and Research Unit have deadlines for submission of research project applications for review by the NHW HREC.
HREC Submission Deadlines 2025 |
HREC Meetings 2025 (second Tues – 5pm) |
28 January | 11 February |
25 March | 8 April |
27 May | 10 June |
29 July | 12 August |
30 September | 14 October |
25 November | 9 December |
NHW Research Policies
Research Governance and HREC Review Fees
Human Research Ethics Committee Complaints Process
HREC Secretariat
Phone: (03) 5722 5149
Community Participation
Northeast Health is committed to involving our community in the ideas, planning and implementation of our research. Community members can request to join our Community Advisory Committee by contacting;
Performance Improvement Team
Community Advisory Committee
Phone: (03) 5722 5482
TOR Community Advisory Committee
Statement on consumer and community involvement in health and medical research
Current Research Activity 2023
Aboriginal Health
- Aboriginal Health Program Evaluation Tool Development, Jess Widdop (NHW HREC 99630)
Allied Health
- Australian Diabetes High Risk Foot Service Database, Kate Hillier (Multi-site Registry 30860)
- DCQR Diabetes Clinical Quality Registry, Bree Broomfield (Multi-site Registry 88307)
- Evaluation of the Allied Health Interdisciplinary Practitioner position in the Emergency Department at a regional health service, Anna Hession (QA NHW 101422)
- Cancer malnutrition point prevalence study, Bree Broomfield (Multi-site 33047)
- Physiotherapy management in prostate cancer: A qualitative study of enablers, barriers and unmet needs, Alesha Sayner (Western Health), Kath Nicholls (NHW) (Multi-site 53408)
- Paediatric Anaesthesia Scope of Practice, Dr Matthew Van Wees (NHW HREC 90136)
- POpPy: Anaesthetist ability to predict postoperative opioid requirements, Dr Braden Preston (NHW HREC 90136)
- Sprint National Anaesthesia Project 3: An Observational Study and Audit of Frailty, Multimorbidity and Delirium in Older People in the Perioperative Period (SNAP 3), Dr Jade Radnor (Multi-site Clinical Trial 80215)
- Intrathecal morphine in LUSCS – practice and outcomes, Dr Anthony Baird (NHW HREC 85456)
- A multi-centre randomized non-inferiority trial of chewing gum versus ondansetron to treat postoperative nausea and vomiting in female patients after breast or laparoscopic surgery, Dr Anthony Baird (Multi-site Clinical Trial 39113)
- Tranexamic acid to Reduce Infection after Gastrointestinal Surgery (TRIGS), Dr Jade Radnor (Multi-site Clinical Trial 60144)
Cancer Care
- Evaluation of Survivorship Care Plans in a regional cancer service, Amanda Kavanagh, (NHW HREC 78596)
- Randomised Phase II Trial to Evaluate the Strategy of Integrating Local Ablative Therapy with First-Line Systemic Treatment for Unresectable Oligometastatic Colorectal Cancer RESOLUTE, Dr Kay Xu (Multi-site Clinical Trial 74761)
- BGB-HNSCC-201: A Phase 2 Study of Tislelizumab in Combination with Investigational Agents as First-Line Treatment in Patients with Recurrent or Metastatic Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Dr Kay Xu (Multi-site Clinical Trial 95524)
- Prevalence of SARS-VoV-2 Infection in Elective Surgical Patients in Victoria, Dr Jade Radnor (Multi-site)
- Short Period Incidence Study of Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SPRINT-SARI), Nicole Humphreys (Multi-site 31316)
Emergency Care
- ED representations resulting in paediatric admissions at NHW, Dr Emma Johnston (NHW HREC 76253)
- Chest pain in ED – Safety and Trajectory (The CHEST study), Dr Alexander Olaussen (NHW HREC 65381)
- EXTEND-IA DNase: Improving early reperfusion with adjuvant dornase alfa in large vessel ischemic stroke, Dr Johann Oosthuizen (Multi-site Clinical Trial 80348)
- Extending the time window for Tenecteplase by Effective Reperfusion of peNumbrAl tissue in patients with Large Vessel Occlusion (ETERNAL LVO), Dr Johann Oosthuizen (Multi-site Clinical Trial 53473)
- Paramedic Antibiotics for Severe Sepsis (PASS): A Phase 2 Study, Dr Johann Oosthuizen (Multi-site Clinical Trial 39403)
Maternity Care
- Generation Victoria Cohort 2020s, Gen V Clinical Lead (Multi-site 51302)
- Review of Medical Emergency Team in a regional hospital, Dr Umesh Tharanga De Silva Peththahandi (NHW HREC 92131)
- Evaluation of the Palliative Care Acute Liaison Nurse Service, Dr Rowan O’Hagan (NHW HREC 76573)
- Australia and New Zealand Hip Fracture Registry (ANZHFR), Mr Richard Kjar (Multi-site 30860)
- Hume Regional Community Palliative Care – Audit of referrals triaged but not accepted into community palliative care services, Dr Rebecca Disler (Monash), (NHW HREC 97256)
- Effectiveness of early AUDIT screening for alcohol dependence at a regional Victorian hospital, Charlotte Byrne
(QA NHW 82285)
- Investigating the research behaviours of hospital pharmacy staff in Australia and their acceptability of interventions to build research capacity in the pharmacy workforce, David Ford (Multi-site Clinical Trial 88642)
- Opioid prescribing following joint arthroplasty, Phoebe Capone (NHW HREC 99633)
- Investigating whether patients are receiving timely nicotine replacement therapy at a regional health service, Hannah Barakat (QA NHW 99256)
- Psychotropic prescribing in elderly populations and its impact on hospitalisations within a rural Victorian hospital (Benalla Health), Eliza Brown (QA NHW 98197)
- Learning environments of rural health services staff, Keryn Bolte (University of Melbourne), (NHW HREC 63474)
- Growing our regional workforce, impact of a resident infectious physician on a regional hospital, Dr David Turner (QA NHW 92746)
Publications and Reports
Clark M, Dooreemeah D, Cogger L, and Miller F. (2023) Operating room and communication study: A reflection of non -technical surgical skills in a regional setting. Journal of Health Design. 2023; 8(1): 576 –583.
Sewell M, Mooney S, Cvejic E and Stone, K. (2023) The myometrial–cervical ratio: Can a simple sonographic measurement improve diagnosis of adenomyosis in a regional setting? Ultrasound, British Medical Ultrasound
Tricia Voss, Dr Emily Pegan, Alison Wheeler, Philippa Nolan, Kate Sifonios, Claire Uber-Holtkamp, Sheridan McAuliffe, Ellen Larkin and Dr Rowan O’Hagan (2023) The Value-Based Service Model of Care for Dental Services at Northeast Health Wangaratta: Evaluation Report. Rural Health Academic Network (RHAN), University of Melbourne and Northeast Health Wangaratta.
Brusco N, Voogt A, Nott M, Callaway L, Mansoubi M and Layton, N. (2022). Meeting Unmet Needs for Stroke Rehabilitation in Rural Public Health: Explorative Economic Evaluation of Upper Limb Robotics-Based Technologies through a Capabilities Lens. Societies 2022, 12, 143.
Tilson, N. Wilson, S. ‘Navigating older persons services: an adventure in chaos’, presented to ACMHN’s 46th International Mental Health Nursing Conference, Mental Health Nursing in a Climate of Change, JW Marriot Gold Coast Resort and Spa, Gold Coast, Australia, 7-9 September 2022. Abstract published in International Journal of Mental Health Nursing 2022. 31(Suppl. 1) 60-61.
Jones, P. (2022). Implementation of a midline catheter service in a regional setting. Vascular Access – Journal of the Canadian Vascular Access Association, 16(2), 22–29.
McCafferty JA, Free MD, De Villiers DJ, Keith P. (2022). Humeral metastases: an unusual presentation of pancreatic cancer. Journal of Surgical Case Reports. 2022(5), rjac157.
Castle M, O’Hagan R, Anderberg E, Wangman A, Harrington H, & Dhakal L. (2022). About face: regional allied health professional early adaptation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Australian Journal of Primary Health. 28(2), 110-116.