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Keeping our staff and patients safe

To keep staff and patients safe through winter, Northeast Health Wangaratta (NHW) is introducing temporary changes to its Entry Policy.

From today the number of people allowed to visit patients and accompany adult clients has been reduced to one (previously two). Visiting hours are 12noon – 2pm and 5pm – 7pm.

Anyone visiting the hospital should only attend if they are well and will be asked to wear an N95 mask upon entry.

“We have been planning for the expected surge in cases of COVID-19 and other respiratory illnesses,” NHW CEO Libby Fifis said.

“This temporary reduction in visitors will be in place until the end of winter, when it will be reviewed.”

There have been no changes to the Entry Policy for Maternity Services and Clinics, Paediatric and Special Care Nursery patients and end of life visits, which are:

  • End of life visits: 2 visitors at any one time, not restricted to visiting hours and no restriction on the total number of visitors per day.
  • Paediatric and Special Care Nursery: 2 parents/guardians. Not restricted to visiting hours.
  • Maternity Services and Clinics: 1 support person, not limited to visiting hours. 1 additional visitor is also permitted (including children of all ages during visiting hours only)

Exemptions to visiting restrictions will be approved on a case-by-case basis.

For more information visit NHW’s website

Community members are also reminded that free testing for COVID-19 remains at the Vincent Road Screening Clinic.

The Screening Clinic is open Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays from 8am – 11am.

No appointments are required. Both PCR tests and packs of Rapid Antigen Tests (RATs) are available.

The Screening Clinic is located at 53-61 Tone Road, Wangaratta and is accessed from the rear via Vincent Road.

For more information on testing for COVID-19 visit