The Australian Defence Force has arrived in Wangaratta to support Northeast Health Wangaratta’s fight against COVID-19.
“Medics and nurses from the Australian Defence Force have come to Wangaratta to help us redeploy our clinical staff back into the hospital to support Northeast Health Wangaratta rotate staff to reduce fatigue”, Northeast Health Wangaratta CEO, Mr Tim Griffiths said.
“As it is so important that community members who have any flu-like or COVID-19 like symptoms get tested at the Northeast Health Wangaratta COVID-19 Screening Clinic, we need to ensure that we are always ready and provide the best service possible”.
“We are grateful that the Australian Defence Force has been able to come and assist us”.
“As we have specialist staff redeployed to Melbourne to support the COVID-19 situation there, we in return have been able to gain additional support to keep the community, our patients and staff safe,” Mr Griffiths said.
“The Northeast Health Wangaratta COVID-19 Screening Clinic remains open seven days a week and can be contacted by calling 1800 324 942. A pre-screening assessment will be performed when you call the Northeast Health Wangaratta COVID-19 Screening Clinic Hotline and you will be given a time to attend the screening clinic if testing is needed”, Mr Griffiths said.